Who We Are

Saving Historic Moorestown is a New Jersey non-profit corporation established to support and provide financial investment for the preservation and enhancement of Moorestown’s unique history and historic assets for its current and future generations as a link to its past and vision for its future.

Saving Historic Moorestown is an organization of concerned citizens who came together to save an important landmark that was threatened with demolition and who came to understand the need to actively engage and invest in preservation throughout Moorestown. Saving Historic Moorestown will accomplish its mission through community advocacy, financial incentives, guidance, and stewardship.

Saving Historic Moorestown is an independent organization not affiliated with any other institution. 

Board of Trustees

Saving Historic Moorestown is governed by Board of Trustees and led by an Executive Committee.

Julie Maravich - President

Julie Maravich has been a Moorestown resident and old home owner, together with her husband Nick Maravich Jr. M.D.,and their two daughters, Lexie and Breezy since 1998.

 Coming from an art and healthcare background; her love of history led her to join the Moorestown Historical Society in 2000. She was invited to join the board in 2003 and has been serving ever since.

Julie created the ever popular Ghost Tours, and has led fundraising committees for many Historical Society events. Her notable projects include leading the charge to save Swede Run Barn on Westfield Road; serving on The Thomas Tallman House committee; serving on The Lippincott House committee and serving on the Friends of Percheron Park Board of Trustees.

Her drive to save endangered homes in Moorestown in the current environment of sky high home prices pushed her to create a think tank in February of 2024. 

An important old home on Chester Avenue was threatened with possible demolition and subdivision of the lot. With a strong desire to save this all but doomed and beautiful home;

she invited incredible talent from among the ranks of Moorestonians to a round table at Bayada Headquarters. Together they created a process and financial tool that will benefit preservation minded buyers, and preserve important historical structures throughout town for the benefit of future generations.

To discuss all Moorestown Historic Preservation matters and events please contact JulieMaravich@gmail.com or savingmoorestown@gmail.com

Dorothy P. Guzzo – Vice President

Dorothy P. Guzzo has over thirty-five years working professionally in historic preservation. Recently retired from the State of New Jersey, Dorothy most recently served as the Executive Director for the New Jersey Historic Trust, the entity charged with administering grants and loan to NJ’s historic sites and reporting to a Governor-appointed board of 15. As part of her portfolio, she oversaw the state’ preservation easement program. Prior, Dorothy served as the Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer for NJ. In this capacity, she oversaw the Investment Tax Credit program, the New Jersey and National Register, the Certified Local Government program, and several federal and state regulatory programs. Among many duties, Dorothy served on the Main Street NJ Advisory Committee, the NJ Historical Commission, the Heritage Tourism Task Force, and staffed the NJ Historic Sites Council. She has taught adjunct at Rutgers and Drew’s historic preservation certificate program and organized numerous state conferences and workshops.

Please contact Dorothy for all easement questions.

Email: dorothy@savinghistoricmoorestown.org

Jack L. Hall - Treasurer

Jack is a lifelong resident of Moorestown. He has been married to his wife, Pam, for 52 years. Jack has three children and seven grandchildren – all of whom reside in Moorestown. Jack attended Eastern Kentucky University. He served in the US Army with two tours in Vietnam. Jack was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. Jack was honored as Moorestown Citizen of the Year in 1999. He worked for PNC Bank for over 45 years, with 20 years in wealth management. Jack is the co-founder of Camp No Worries, a cost free summer camp for children with cancer. Camp No Worries is entering its 30 th year and has sponsored approximately 3,000 children from South Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania.

To discuss large donations and bequests please contact jhall58@comcast.net

Lynne S. Brill - Secretary

Lynne is a 35-year resident of Moorestown, a former long-term board member of the Moorestown Improvement Assoc. and a 23-year recording secretary of the Moorestown Historical Society. She has been involved in many of their activities including the Tallman house, Lippincott house, many decorator showhouses, soirees` and the Nipper project. She is a former registered nurse and along with her husband, an orthopedic surgeon, has restored two historic homes; a turn of the century shingle style home in Avalon, NJ and a late Queen Anne shingle style home in Moorestown. Lynne has been an antiques collector for many years and is passionate about historic restoration.

Kimberly Bunn, AIA - Trustee

Kim is a licensed architect in the State of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and a LEED accredited professional. Kim is the founder and principal of Bunn Architecture, a full-service architectural firm dedicated to creative design and attention to detail, specializing in residential projects. Kim sits on the Board of Trustees of both the AIA New Jersey Chapter and the AIA West Jersey Section, including having served as President of AIA New Jersey and AIA West Jersey. Kim serves on the Moorestown Township Appearance Committee.

Lon C. Haines - Trustee

Lon C. Haines is retired. He served in the US Army for six years in the Judge Advocate Generals Corps, predominantly as a Trial Attorney. He also received a Masters in Tax from Temple, worked for several large public companies as well as creating and selling two consulting companies. He specialized in executive compensation and insurance, and for the last twenty years working with Banks. He and his wife, Denise, both majored in history at Dickinson College. They have amassed an antique collection specializing in pre-Civil War country antiques. They also sponsored a history writing contest for the two Moorestown High Schools.

Janice Lovequist - Trustee

Janice, manager of heritage and values at BAYADA Home Health Care, leverages her background in graphic design, communications, and corporate culture to preserve and promote BAYADA’s rich values-based history. In 2014, her leadership secured six preservation awards for the meticulously restored BAYADA building at 1 W. Main Street. This project sparked a passion for historic preservation within her, and she has since become a devoted advocate for preserving and protecting Moorestown’s heritage, in addition to BAYADA’s. A lifelong resident of Moorestown, Janice is an alumna of Moorestown Friends School and currently resides in town with her husband and two children.

David W. Schill - Trustee

Dave Schill owns David W. Schill Alterations and Restorations here in Moorestown. Although he is proficient in all forms of construction, he specializes in damage repairs and historic restoration. Wife Lynne and Dave moved into Moorestown in 1972 after standing in line to purchase their first house; a former chicken coup (yes, it had been converted into a very small house before they bought it). They both have served in various committees in Moorestown during their years here. Dave is the current President of the Moorestown Improvement Association, Inc. which is Moorestown’s oldest civic organization. He also is the leader of Moorestown’s 4 th of July Committee, Inc. and formerly served on the Appearance Committee, is one of the founders of Sustainable Moorestown, served on the first Historic Preservation Commission in Moorestown’s history, and on and on. Dave feels it is important to all building owners and residents of Moorestown to preserve the ancient structures that are left in town. To destroy them is unthinkable.

Andrew L. Mackerer, Esq., LL.M. Taxation

Andrew is the managing member of Mackerer Law Offices and focuses his practice in estate planning, tax planning, trust and estate administration. He advises business owners on tax strategies, choosing the right entity, and succession/exit planning.  In addition, Andrew works with non-profit organizations in forming entities and obtaining or reinstating tax-exempt status. He is a member of the Rotary Club of Moorestown and served as the Club’s president from 2022-2023. Andrew is a past board member of the Moorestown Business Association and served as the chair of Moorestown Day in 2016 and 2017. Andrew and his family reside in Moorestown.